
Health Dangers of Being Underweight

Health Dangers of Being Underweight

Overeating and the obese results are headlining everywhere, and people are forgetting those who under eat and are underweight. Being underweight is a major health concern as well. Infertility – Many women who have suffered from an eating disorder such as…

Dying For a Good Night of Sleep

Sleep is always something many of us struggle with. There is just too much to do these days and we rarely ever find enough time to finish everything. Work, children, television, and computers, are among some of the most common…

Five Things You Need To Know About Acid Reflux

Most people generally associate acid reflux with heartburn. It’s a good association, because heartburn is usually the first identifiable symptom of acid reflux, but at the same time, there’s a lot more to know about this condition – which causes both…

How to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Every Day

Fruits and vegetables are extremely important to maintaining a healthy diet. However, many of us never get the necessary amount of fruits and vegetables everyday because we choose to fill our diets with bad carbs from fast food chains. Yet, there are…

What is Celiac Disease?

What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac Disease involves damage to the digestive tract, specifically the small intestine. Damage to the small intestine results in a lack of absorption of nutrients from the food consumed. Celiac Disease has much more of an impact if it occurs…

Does Arthritis Ever Go Away?

Does Arthritis Ever Go Away?

Arthritis is a chronic illness in which inflammation of a joint occurs. As a result of this disease, those suffering from it feel a lot of pain. Most people start to believe that they will not be able to do…

Beer: It’s Nutritious!

Beer: It’s Nutritious!

In the modern world, beer is often associated with the negative effects of alcohol. In contrary to this popular belief, beer actually does have nutritional value when consumed moderately. Researchers have recently discovered that drinking one (and only one) serving…

5 Ways to Help You and Your Family Stay Diabetes-Free

5 Ways to Help You and Your Family Stay Diabetes-Free

As rates of diabetes continue to rise, increasingly in both adults and children, it’s becoming more and more obvious that we need to make important lifestyle changes in order to prevent diabetes from affecting ourselves, as well as the ones we love.…

BPA Exposure Links To Asthma in Children

BPA Exposure Links To Asthma in Children

The increasing rate of children with asthma may be attributed to exposure to BPA, or Bisphenol A, which is an industrial chemical used in making common household plastics. A recent study that was conducted in mice demonstrated that children are more likely…

5 Alternative Methods for Coping with Depression

5 Alternative Methods for Coping with Depression

Depression is primarily treated by a series of prescription antidepressant drugs, including Celexa, Bupropion and Zoloft. However, with these drugs come side effects, causing anything from slight inco-ordination to hallucinations. Because depression can be caused by several different factors, including lack of vitamins and…