Category: Newsletters

When Patients Cross Borders to Get Medication

When Patients Cross Borders to Get Medication

It’s a wide known fact – prescription medication in the United States is expensive. So costly that in comparison to other wealthy nations around the world such as Germany or Japan, the gap between prices for a similar drug can…

Strokes and Diet – Are They Correlated?

Strokes and Diet – Are They Correlated?

High Protein Diet and Strokes New or recurrent strokes occur in close to 800,000 Americans each and every year. Of those 800,000, approximately 137,000 die. A study posted in the journal Neurology suggests that high protein diet can decrease the…

Smartphone Apps and Skin Cancer

Smartphone Apps and Skin Cancer

The onset of the Smartphone revolution has led to a new way of life. There seems to be an app for anything – even to detect skin cancer. But, can these apps be trusted? Are they accurate? There are quite…

Artificial Pancreas to Better Manage Diabetes

Artificial Pancreas to Better Manage Diabetes

Artificial Pancreas to Better Manage Diabetes Ever wondered how your car’s GPS system works and shoots you directions to reach your destination? Twenty-four active satellites orbit the earth, relaying signals to track your car’s location and plan directions for you.…

The Importance of Eating Schedueles

The Importance of Eating Schedueles

Eat Right-On-Time for the Valentines   Tick tock. Valentine’s Day is nearly here. Time is passing, but do you really understand the worth of time at the moment? Here is a little something for all of you who are planning…

Don’t Let Depression and Anxiety Keep You Down

Weight Loss is a Life Style Choice

Don’t Let Depression and Anxiety Keep You Down Learn What’s Contributing To Your Depression And Anxiety Have you ever woke up in the morning and just didn’t want to get out of bed? What about not wanting to get out…

Avoid the Extra Holiday Weight

The Much Expected Added Holiday Weight

Avoid the Extra Holiday Weight It’s no wonder that we tend to eat too much during the holiday season. It may be a time of good will, togetherness, and celebration, but let’s face it: the holidays are also a time…

Hospitals May Give Up Too Soon on Heart Attacks

Doctors May be Quick On Giving Up

Hospitals May Give Up Too Soon on Heart Attacks If you want a sure-fire way to jump to the front of the line in a hospital, have a heart attack. Sudden Cardiac Arrest, as it’s called, comes before almost everything…

Hospitals May Give Up Too Soon on Heart Attacks

The Sickness Nocebo Effect

The Hidden Dumb Mistake Even Smart Doctors Make Fact: communicating with your doctor can make or break your personal health. A miscommunication can cause serious consequences, and not just with something like a prescription dosage. Doctors often assume their patients…

The Importance of Hope During Recession

The Importance of Hope During Recession

Scientific Study: How to Save a Life During a Recession You’ve come across hard economic times. What do you believe? Will you get out of it okay? Will things pick up? Will you find a good job again? Whether you…