

7 Warnings Signs of High Cholesterol That You Should Never Ignore

About 31% of the adult population in the US has high LDL cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is the “bad” kind of cholesterol. It’s the type of cholesterol that morning cereal brands, such as Honey Cheerios, want us to fight. Too much of…


Living With Depression: A Guide

Unfortunately, over 15 million people are diagnosed with depression each year within the United States. Although your doctor may prescribe medication (such as Wellbutrin) in order to help you manage your symptoms, there are other steps that you can take to gain…

Ways to boost your Metabolism

Ways to boost your Metabolism

Your metabolism can help you burn more fat while you’re working out and will help you meet your weight loss goals. However, many people don’t understand that certain activities can help increase your body’s metabolic rate while others can actually…

Salt Banned in NYC

Salt Banned in NYC

The city that never sleeps is implementing a new bylaw to save lives, although not in the way that you would expect. The New York City Health Department is taking the initiative to promote healthy living – by organizing the…

4 Ways to Help Prevent Arthritis

4 Ways to Help Prevent Arthritis

Many of us view arthritis as something you only get when you’re old, which is why many people are surprised to learn that they have arthritis at a much younger age. However, the good news is that there are ways…



Osteoporosis- Osteoporosis is a particular condition that is characterized by the loss of the normal density of bone. This results in the very abnormally porous bone that is more compressible like a sponge and not dense. Osteoporosis leaves the person with very…

5 Ways To Avoid Getting Wrinkles

5 Ways To Avoid Getting Wrinkles

Use Sunscreen – Everybody needs the Sun to stay healthy, but getting too much can have harmful effects. Too much Sun can cause cancer and will cause skin damage leading to wrinkles. When going out make sure to wear some sunscreen,…

The Causes of Frequent Heartburn and What You Can Do About It

The Causes of Frequent Heartburn and What You Can Do About It

After meals, do you frequently feel a burning pain in your chest, accompanied by belching and a sour taste in your mouth? Does this feeling intensify when you lie down and make it difficult for you to swallow? If so,…

Can My Social Anxiety Disorder Be Treated With Luvox?

Can My Social Anxiety Disorder Be Treated With Luvox?

Luvox is an antidepressant that is used to treat social anxiety disorder (social phobia). Luvox can also be used for treating people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorders which involve recurring thoughts or actions. Luvox works by acting as a selective serotonin…

Smartphone Apps and Skin Cancer

Smartphone Apps and Skin Cancer

The onset of the Smartphone revolution has led to a new way of life. There seems to be an app for anything – even to detect skin cancer. But, can these apps be trusted? Are they accurate? There are quite…