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The High Carbohydrate Diet: What It Can Do For You and Your Cholesterol

The High Carbohydrate Diet: What It Can Do For You and Your Cholesterol

A recent study demonstrated that certain low-carbohydrate diets, while effective in weight loss, tend to raise cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a naturally occurring component within both animal and human cells, and is essential for the human body’s production of vitamin D as well as various hormones. An excess of cholesterol in the blood will increase risks of heart attack, stroke and vascular conditions, making it imperative to find a dietary solution that will not only help you lose weight, but additionally keep cholesterol levels low.

The Dietary Solution – The High Carbohydrate Diet

  • Eat Lots of Fruits and Veggies – Adjusting to a high carbohydrate diet is easy; simply incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your meals. Fruits and Vegetables are high in vitamin and mineral content, and won’t have adverse affects on your cholesterol.
  • Eat Whole Grains – Switching to a whole grain bread or pasta will help to decrease both your weight and cholesterol levels, as the minerals and vitamins that are found in whole grain products are excellent sources of beneficial carbohydrates.

The key to losing weight with a high carbohydrate diet is differentiating between the good and bad sources of carbohydrates. Good carbohydrate sources will often be low in sugar and added fats, and includes most fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Finding a method of weight loss that supports healthy cholesterol levels, may seem difficult, however, a few lifestyle changes can help you to not only becoming your desired weight, but also to lead a more healthy lifestyle. If you find that making dietary changes is not beneficial to your cholesterol levels, talk to your health care provider about other lifestyle changes or medications that might influence your cholesterol levels.

Information provided on this website is for general purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of advice from your practitioner