Category: Uncategorized

How to Lower High Blood Pressure

How to Lower High Blood Pressure

Many people don’t realize how bad high blood pressure can be for your body, and even more don’t know how to lower high blood pressure even after they know they have it. High blood pressure can lead to early damage of the…



Osteoporosis- Osteoporosis is a particular condition that is characterized by the loss of the normal density of bone. This results in the very abnormally porous bone that is more compressible like a sponge and not dense. Osteoporosis leaves the person with very…

How To Lower Cholesterol

How To Lower Cholesterol

A problem many people seem to be having is high cholesterol. Even though an incredible amount of people are aware of the risks with high cholesterol very few actually decide to change their way of living. Why? Who knows, maybe they…

The High Tech Future For Battling Cancer

The High Tech Future For Battling Cancer

I’m sure the majority of people have seen movies like Star Wars or other science fiction movies. I’m also sure anyone who has seen anything like that has been waiting for our time to develop some cool futuristic gadgets like…

The Danger of Asthma

The Danger of Asthma

In 2006 approximately 22.9 million Americans reported having an asthma attack. The reality is that asthma is very serious and can change the way a person lives. There are many misconceptions of asthma, like if you didn’t get it when you…

Back To School For Swine Flu

Back To School For Swine Flu

After the initial scare of H1N1, or Swine flu as it is more commonly known, we all breathed a sigh of relief. However, now with schools opening again, it may be time, once again, to start worrying, at least a little bit.…

Why Do We Yawn?

Why Do We Yawn?

Why do we yawn? A relatively simple question, at least it appears to be. The only thing is that we don’t actually know for certain why we yawn. Though there are many speculations of why we yawn there is no…

15% of Preschoolers Suffer From High Levels of Depression or Anxiety

15% of Preschoolers Suffer From High Levels of Depression or Anxiety

Think that the children have it easy? Well it looks like you thought wrong. According to a recent study, 15% of preschoolers suffer from high levels of depression and anxiety. While some minor forms of depression and anxiety are normal in young children, elevated…

Eat With a Heavier Friend and Lose Weight

Eat With a Heavier Friend and Lose Weight

Well a recent study has shown; if you want to eat less bring a bigger friend along with you. Researchers tested students to see how much they would eat. When the researcher was a size zero, but ate a lot,…

The Power of Marriage Helps Battle Cancer

The Power of Marriage Helps Battle Cancer

Will finding that special someone help you survive cancer? Well a new study has shown that those that are married have a higher survival rate when compared to people that are single, divorced, or going through a separation. Those that…