Category: Uncategorized

A Simple Urine Test for Dangerous Snoring

A Simple Urine Test for Dangerous Snoring

Approximately 12 percent of all children snore. In a recent study, 90 children who were previously referred to a clinic for assessment in their breathing problems during slumber were observed and tested. The children who were eventually diagnosed with dangerous…

Salt Banned in NYC

Salt Banned in NYC

The city that never sleeps is implementing a new bylaw to save lives, although not in the way that you would expect. The New York City Health Department is taking the initiative to promote healthy living – by organizing the…

Online Pharmacies Canada Has A New Look

That’s right; Online Pharmacies Canada has undergone a significant remodel over the past few weeks, with several new changes to help you navigate our website better. New Sections From the homepage it is as easy to navigate throughout the website as possible.In…

How to Succeed With This Year’s Resolution

How to Succeed With This Year’s Resolution

With 2010 fast approaching many of us have probably begun to make preparations to start our resolutions. Again the majority of us probably have our hearts set on losing some of the weight we packed on after all those holiday…

H1N1 Vaccines Recalled by AstraZeneca’s MedImmune Unit

H1N1 Vaccines Recalled by AstraZeneca’s MedImmune Unit

AstraZeneca’s MedImmune unit has issued a recall on 4.7 million doses of their nasal spray vaccine for H1N1. The recall was voluntary from the company, and they claim that the cause was due to potency concerns, not a failure or defect…

5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Season Allergy Symptoms

5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Season Allergy Symptoms

If you have an allergy to a commonly-used food in modern cuisine, or to dust or other allergens, you know that your allergy controls everything you do. Pollen allergies can become an issue during the holiday season because of that large pine…

Diabetes in Children: What You Need To Know

Diabetes in Children: What You Need To Know

The cause of diabetes is unknown; however it has been linked to genetics, certain environmental triggers and lifestyle habits, such as eating right and exercising often. Today, about 7.8 percent of Americans living in the United States have diabetes. An…

Do I Have Asthma?

Do I Have Asthma?

Many people show some symptoms of asthma but are never diagnosed with asthma. Although it is a exceedingly common disease many people do not know they have it.The 2 states of asthma are the steady-state of chronic asthma, and the…

Coffee May Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Coffee May Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

To the fellow male coffee drinkers out there, I have amazing news (sorry ladies, this one is just for the guys). A study on coffee and its effect on prostate cancer was presented at the Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research…

Foreign Accent Syndrome

Foreign Accent Syndrome

Yes, that’s right. There is actually an explanation for the accent Madonna puts on from time to time. Foreign accent syndrome (FAS) is a speech disorder that results in the changes of a person’s speech pattern, intonation, and pronunciation. The…