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Online Pharmacies Canada Has A New Look

That’s right; Online Pharmacies Canada has undergone a significant remodel over the past few weeks, with several new changes to help you navigate our website better.

New Sections

From the homepage it is as easy to navigate throughout the website as possible.In anticipation of all of your regular questions, we have moved our Frequently Asked Questions section to the red banner (which also includes other important sectors) at the top of each page for accessibility. We’ve also added an account segment, designed to make your prescription drug orders simpler and more personal, which can be accessed through the gray buttons above the red banner on the right.

Finding Your Way Around

You can find all of our website sections located at the top of your page in the red banner for your convenience. Clicking on any of these sub sections will take you straight to its content, which is now in a format specially designed to be easily read. You may also note that our price check search shortcut is at the very top of each page, to promote straightforward access to our online medication database.

If you’re wondering where the list of most common prescription drugs went; it hasn’t disappeared, and can be found at the bottom of each page for easy reference. Also, like before, all customer service icons, including our shipping information, privacy statement, contact us form and site map, can be found at the bottom of every page.

Patience Please

We realize that this is a big change of reference for our website, and that there also may be a few errors, as with any momentous transfer of information from one format to another, items tend to get misplaced and reorganized. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, please do not hesitate to use our contact us form and we will get back to you as soon as possible with clarification.

Information provided on this website is for general purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of advice from your practitioner