Category: High cholesterol

How to Save 94% on Blood Cholesterol Medicine

How to Save 94% on Blood Cholesterol Medicine

Rosuvastatin is an oral drug which is commonly used to lower blood cholesterol levels. It also treats many conditions such as hyperlipidemia, mixed dyslipidemia, and hypertriglyceridemia. This drug is now available as a generic in many pharmacies but the brand…

The High Carbohydrate Diet: What It Can Do For You and Your Cholesterol

The High Carbohydrate Diet: What It Can Do For You and Your Cholesterol

A recent study demonstrated that certain low-carbohydrate diets, while effective in weight loss, tend to raise cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a naturally occurring component within both animal and human cells, and is essential for the human body’s production of vitamin D as…

How To Lower Cholesterol

How To Lower Cholesterol

A problem many people seem to be having is high cholesterol. Even though an incredible amount of people are aware of the risks with high cholesterol very few actually decide to change their way of living. Why? Who knows, maybe they…