

Bipolar Disorder 101: The Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Approximately 1/4 of all suicides are related to bipolar disorder. It’s one of the most dangerous mental disorders in the world if it goes untreated for long periods. There are signs and symptoms to look out for if you or a loved…


A Beginner’s Guide to Anxiety: Everything You Need to Know

Did you know that an estimated 284 million people experience some type of anxiety disorder? Anxiety is more common than you may expect, and it can be difficult to self-assess. However, it’s crucial to understand it in order to treat it. What…


Anxiety Myths Debunked: 9 Common Misconceptions about Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders in the US, with an estimated 40 million sufferers. With the right intervention and support it can be treated successfully, however, only 36.9% of those who have anxiety seek treatment. This can…

Heart to Heart: What Is Heartburn?

Heart to Heart: What Is Heartburn?

Men with symptomatic acid reflux and Gastroenterologists / Concept with Healthcare And Medicine. Heartburn is experienced by 60 million Americans at least once a month and roughly 15 million people every day. Occasional heartburn is not generally a cause for concern, but if…

Seasonal Affective Disorder, And What Your Should Look Out For

Seasonal Affective Disorder, And What Your Should Look Out For

Depression is a very serious condition that many people worldwide are affected by. However, there are some people that experience these depressed states of being during specific times of the year. Most commonly, late fall and all winter are the seasons…

4 Easy Ways to Eliminate Stress

Stress eats away at you and makes you feel your life is full of irreversible, important problems. The majority of illnesses are stress related. Stress is related to high blood pressure, hair loss, depression, memory loss, stroke, weight gain, cancer, and…

Common Menopausal Supplement May Lower Risk of Breast Cancer

There are many specialty supplements on the market today for menopausal symptom relief, ranging from soy to St. John’s wort to fish oil. While many of these supplements are extremely effective in treating menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, increase in allergies,…

Why Breakfast is So Important, Especially for Teens

Parents are always harassing teens to tell them what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat, and how to eat. Despite this, studies show that over half of all male teens in America, and over two-thirds of female…

Links Between Accutane and Severe Skin Conditions

Links Between Accutane and Severe Skin Conditions

Acne medication Accutane may be dangerous to some users. Although Accutane has been helping many people deal with severe acne problems, the medication has also been linked to a series of extreme skin reactions. These are rare, but they can result in hospitalization,…

Feeling Depressed?

Feeling Depressed?

If you here the word depression right now you’d probably think about the economy and be thankful that we didn’t dive down to the point where we would be repeating the 1930’s. That was the Great Depression and your history…