
Nicoderm anti-smoking aid.

Nicoderm anti-smoking aid.

Nicoderm is available in various forms such as flavored chewing gum, lozenge, or a skin patch. It helps you to quit smoking and also reduces your desire for tobacco. Special Warnings The patch is for external use only. Children, pregnant…


The Dangers of High Blood Pressure, Explained

High blood pressure (hypertension) affects nearly half of all Americans, contributing to almost half a million deaths per year. Signs of hypertension can go undetected, which is why the condition is often called the silent killer. Understanding the dangers of high…


7 Warnings Signs of High Cholesterol That You Should Never Ignore

About 31% of the adult population in the US has high LDL cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is the “bad” kind of cholesterol. It’s the type of cholesterol that morning cereal brands, such as Honey Cheerios, want us to fight. Too much of…

The Causes of Frequent Heartburn and What You Can Do About It

The Causes of Frequent Heartburn and What You Can Do About It

After meals, do you frequently feel a burning pain in your chest, accompanied by belching and a sour taste in your mouth? Does this feeling intensify when you lie down and make it difficult for you to swallow? If so,…

Take a Deep Breath: How to Control Asthma Symptoms

Take a Deep Breath: How to Control Asthma Symptoms

Though there is an unlimited amount of information at our fingertips, you’d be surprised how often people get misdiagnosed with asthma. When you or your child first develops it, your doctor may write it off as allergies or even the…

When Patients Cross Borders to Get Medication

When Patients Cross Borders to Get Medication

It’s a wide known fact – prescription medication in the United States is expensive. So costly that in comparison to other wealthy nations around the world such as Germany or Japan, the gap between prices for a similar drug can…

Five Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease

Five Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease

Every year, approximately two hundred and fifty thousand people die from a heart attack or heart disease, before they even reach the hospital. If any of your family or friends has ever had a heart attack, you’ve seen the drastic…



Osteoporosis- Osteoporosis is a particular condition that is characterized by the loss of the normal density of bone. This results in the very abnormally porous bone that is more compressible like a sponge and not dense. Osteoporosis leaves the person with very…

Why Is Chantix Popular?

Why Is Chantix Popular?

Recent studies have shown that in America the most preventable cause of deaths is smoking. Since many smokers are aware of the deadly effects of smoking, nearly 90 percent will do anything to try and quit smoking. But the tobacco…

Reducing The Risk Of Heart Failure

Reducing The Risk Of Heart Failure

Some risks for developing atherosclerosis are beyond our control – like being male or gating older. But there are many risk factors we can control. What steps can you take? Avoid or quit smoking, manage weight and control blood pressure.…