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Why Is Chantix Popular?

Recent studies have shown that in America the most preventable cause of deaths is smoking. Since many smokers are aware of the deadly effects of smoking, nearly 90 percent will do anything to try and quit smoking. But the tobacco makes it difficult since it is both an addiction and a pleasure. Nicotine releases endorphins which help individuals to feel good.

While many may start their quit smoking regimen with enthusiasm and determination, many can’t maintain this rhythm for long and often go back to smoking. Other choose to give up the effort because of the withdrawal symptoms that come along with quitting smoking. The prescription treatment Chantix can help to control the habit during this crucial period. While there are many quit smoking options, Chantix has become a favorite and highly adopted method since it helps individuals quit smoking in a very short time.

Why Is Chantix Successful?

In the production of anti-smoking pills a milestone was reached when Chantix became available. It increased greatly in popularity after it achieved FDA approval. It became a successful effort in the fight against stopping smoking as well as preventing withdrawal symptoms just a few months after its launch. There is a reason behind the success of this drug with smokers.Chantix has become popular because it is a completely different way to quit smoking when compared to other methods and is also much more friendly to those who want to quit.

The nicotine inhaled during smoking attaches to the receptors and tell the brain to release the chemical Dopamine which causes individuals to feel good when they smoke. While Dopamine will give pleasure it will only last for a short while. Most gums and patches on the market today contain nicotine, but Chantix is different since it contains no form of nicotine but reacts similar and helps to block the addiction. Chantix also helps to tell the brain to produce more Dopamine to lower an individuals desire to smoke.

A quit smoking regimen is difficult to maintain because individuals don’t have the buoyancy and relief sensations they get with smoking. Chantix helps by letting the smoker feel these sensations while diminishing withdrawal indications. Although it has proven to be popular both with those who are trying to quit smoking and by campaigns against smoking, it isn’t without its side effects like most medications. Some of the side effects include nausea, sleeping sickness and restlessness. Although if treatment is continued most of these side effects go away with time. Chantix has proven to be an important part of the effort to help individuals quit smoking successfully and completely.

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For more information from Brian Welsch about Chantix – stop smoking hit check

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