Apply to a clean, dry area of skin. It gets to work quickly and delivers therapeutic nicotine through your skin for 16 or 24 hours, depending on how long you wear it. Depending on the specific product, Nicoderm Clear patches come in different dosages or steps to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine administered to the body over time, thereby easing the process of quitting nicotine addiction.
To use Nicoderm Clear patches, start by selecting a clean, dry, and hairless area of skin on your upper body or upper outer arm. Choose a different area of the skin each day to prevent skin irritation. Open the patch package and remove the liner, then press the sticky side of the patch onto your skin. Hold it in place for at least 10 seconds to ensure that it sticks properly. If the patch falls off during the day, replace it with a new one. Depending on the specific Nicoderm Clear product, the patch should be worn for either 16 or 24 hours. Follow the instructions provided with the specific product to ensure proper usage.