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Everything You Need to Know About Medicine for Depression


Clinical depression can sneak up on you. The signs of depression appear gradually and can be mistaken for other temporary issues. At first, it might feel easiest to wait and see if the symptoms will pass.

Unfortunately, clinical depression will not go away on its own. It requires some form of treatment. Some people use medicine for depression treatment. Medication will shift the brain’s chemistry to ease the effects of depression.

In this guide, we’ll go through what depression is, what causes it, and a few possible treatment options.

What Are the Signs of Depression?

Depression symptoms can range from mild to severe. They become a problem when they begin to affect your ability to function in everyday life.

One major sign of clinical depression is having bouts of sadness and hopelessness. This looks different in different people; some will lay in bed crying, but others will continue to go about their routine.

For the latter, depression can manifest as feeling hopeless, empty, and listless. Even if you know you have things to look forward to and the goals you want to achieve, it may feel pointless to try.

Another common symptom is ongoing and pervasive boredom. Activities that you used to enjoy may fail to hold your attention. You may grow to dread your free time because with it comes the impossible choice of filling the hours when everything seems dull and pointless.

Depression also regularly manifests in physical symptoms. It can be easy to miss these or write them off as being caused by a physical ailment rather than a mental one. However, it’s been proven that psychological issues are the root of some physical ailments.

A sudden disruption in your routine may be due to depression. Some people find that their appetite fluctuates irregularly or that they are gaining or losing weight without trying to.

Some sufferers develop insomnia or find themselves sleeping far longer than they used to.

Headaches, muscle strain, teeth grinding, and cramps or digestive problems can also be signs of depression. People with undiagnosed depression may develop these symptoms and feel that they have no clear cause.

Are There Different Types of Depression?

Yes, clinical depression has several different causes, and each one may manifest differently in each person. Still, there are variants of depression that are common overall.

A persistent or major depressive disorder is what most would think of as textbook depression. It can include any symptom above and is usually triggered by chemicals in your brain. Effects of depression may fluctuate throughout months and years, but ultimately it will stay.

Situational depression is different from persistent or major depression. It appears following a traumatic event or a disruptive change in circumstances. There may be a chemical imbalance, but the event is what tips the scale. It’s caused by your inability to adjust to your surroundings.

A number of events can onset the effects of depression. A few examples are surviving a violent experience, losing a loved one, a physical illness, or a major life change such as graduation. These trigger events will vary from person to person.

Some common variants of situational depression are post-partum and seasonal affective disorder. Post-partum depression comes after the birth of a child, and seasonal affective disorder occurs during the winter.

What’s the Science Behind Depression?

Scientists believe there are many factors that converge to cause someone to develop depression. The brain may not be regulating your mood properly. You may be genetically predisposed to mental illness. Major life stressors can shift the chemicals and hormones in your brain.

One possible explanation is that the nerves in some parts of your brain are having difficulty communicating. When neurons communicate, they form pathways that cause virtually every action the brain is capable of. If these connections are inhibited, it can cause problems.

Chemicals called neurotransmitters are constantly flying from neuron to neuron to relay messages. Some of these neurotransmitters are responsible for regulating mood, emotions, and motivation. In people with depression, these messages, in particular, get obstructed or are transmitted less often than they should.

With less of these chemicals making connections, it’s harder for the brain to make neural pathways. Stronger neural pathways allow for healthier regulation of psychological factors. With enough imbalance, you’ll start to exhibit the effects of depression.

How Do You Treat Depression?

Besides talk therapy, there is a wide range of options for medicine. Many medicines for depression decrease symptoms enough to allow patients to resume a normal life.

One commonly prescribed antidepressant is Wellbutrin. This drug will boost the production of neurotransmitters called norepinephrine and dopamine, both of which are directly responsible for your mood. In short, a higher amount of these chemicals in the brain will make you feel happier.

There’s also a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, known as SSRIs. Prozac is one commonly-known SSRI. These drugs work the same as Wellbutrin, except with the neurotransmitter serotonin. Seratonin regulates your mood, appetite, and sleep.

Medications affect individuals differently, so it sometimes takes a few tries to find the right one. Because of this, seeking treatment for depression can be a long, frustrating process.

How Can I Get Medicine for Depression?

When you’re suffering, it doesn’t matter if it’s due to a brain imbalance or a stressful life event. You just want to feel better.

If the signs of depression sound familiar, you should seek help from a licensed psychiatrist. They may prescribe you medicine for depression to ease your symptoms.

The struggle to find the right medication can exacerbate feelings of hopelessness. And then, there’s still the problem of finding it at an affordable rate that’s convenient for you.

However, it’s becoming easier to buy medicine online with a prescription. It’s even possible to save by buying at an online pharmacy such as Online Pharmacies Canada, even if you live in the U.S.

Online Pharmacies Canada is more cost-effective than your local pharmacy and will even ship your medications directly to your door. The convenience, price, and speed are unparalleled. Reach out today to order your next refill of depression medication from the most reputable Canadian online pharmacy.

Information provided on this website is for general purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of advice from your practitioner