
Do You Have Crohn’s Psoriasis?

If you have Crohn’s disease and problems with dry, itchy scaly patches of skin you may have Crohn’s psoriasis.

You may have never considered that Crohn’s and psoriasis are related, but there are some studies that suggest that they are. It is possible that those who have Crohn’s are likely to have problems with other auto-immune conditions, and psoriasis is one that can occur.

Though not all patients will have to deal with Crohn’s psoriasis, there are some who have to deal with the painful symptoms of both all at the same time. There seems to be a connection between the toxins that may be released through the sometimes damaged intestinal tract of a Crohn’s patient and the occurrence of psoriasis.

Psoriasis often happens in very visible areas. It is a problem with the skin that normally shows up near the knees and the elbows. It can also be on the lower back, and the scalp. More troubling signs appear on the soles of the feet, which can make walking painful. It may even occur in the mouth, though that is pretty uncommon compared to flare-ups in other places. It can also be found as psoriasis arthritis, which can cause problems in many of the joints of the body.

Psoriasis happens when the body speeds up new cell production. The skin is always renewing itself, but new cells often have a period when they form and then slowly rise to the surface. With psoriasis, the new cells are pushed to the surface, and they are not ready to be there. This skin is often dry and forms a patch. This patch is itchy, and if it gets too dry, it will break open causing cracks that are extremely painful. It may, at times, look like scales, and bleeding and infection can occur if not properly treated.

Much like the symptoms of Crohn’s, psoriasis can come and go. There may be times when psoriasis is in remission, and it can stay that way for quite a while. It is a chronic condition, however, and can reoccur at any point throughout a lifetime.

Some believe that stress is a trigger, as well as changes in climate and humidity. There are many prescription drugs that are used to help with the symptoms, and there are also topical ointments that might be used to more directly deal with the dry skin and scaling. If a site is infected, an antibiotic might be prescribed as well. Some patients get relief simply by exposing the affected area to direct sunlight.

If you have Crohn’s disease, you are more likely to develop psoriasis than someone who does not have it. It is not strictly reserved for Crohn’s patients, but it does increase your chances. Often Crohn’s psoriasis will act up when many of the other symptoms are flaring up, and that can make anyone miserable. Though not all Crohn’s patents will get this, it is something they should know about so you know what to look for in the event that it does develop.

Ask your doctor for more information about Crohn’s psoriasis. If you can spot problems early on, you might be able to keep your flare ups down to manageable episodes instead of painful and drawn out events.

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About the Author: By Sharon Dobson. Grab your free copy of Sharon Dobson’s brand new Crohn’s Disease Newsletter – Overflowing with easy to implement tips to help you overcome crohn’s complications such as crohn’s psoriasis.


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