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Ways to boost your Metabolism

Ways to boost your Metabolism

Your metabolism can help you burn more fat while you’re working out and will help you meet your weight loss goals. However, many people don’t understand that certain activities can help increase your body’s metabolic rate while others can actually hurt your metabolism.

Top Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Exercise – Cardiovascular training is one of the most effective ways of increasing your metabolism. Make sure you incorporate weightlifting into your regular routine. Weightlifting will help build muscle which increases your body’s metabolic rate significantly more than fat.

Balanced diet – Eating a balanced diet is a great way to boost your metabolic rate and stay healthy. Food is also the fuel for your body. If you want to run like a top, high end vehicle, only put the best food in you.

Sleep – Sleep is just as important as exercising and maintaining a healthy diet. Your body uses sleep as a time to repair itself. Without proper sleep, your body won’t have the time to fix itself and your metabolism will suffer. 8 hours of sleep every night is recommended.

Things That Will Harm Your Metabolism

Not drinking enough water – Water is the most important thing that many of us forget to drink. These days it’s all about soft drinks and coffee (even I can’t resist the great taste of coffee). However, the sugars and caffeine in these drinks are not good for your body if you drink too much. On average we should be drinking 8-10 cups of water a day.

Aging – Aging is one thing none of us can really stop. Your metabolic rate will decrease naturally as you age starting around the 40’s.

Too many sugars and other simple or refined carbs – Eating too many refined sugars and carbohydrates can really do some damage to your metabolism. Along with doing major damage to your metabolic rate, too many sugars and carbs can lead to severe health problems like diabetes.

No exercise or inadequate recovery time – Try to make sure you can always get in some sort of exercise on a regular basis. Even using a resistance band in the kitchen while you’re waiting for dinner to finish cooking is better than sitting and watching television. However, make sure you don’t over train yourself. If you don’t take the time to rest and recover you can injure your body and you will actually decrease your exercising effectiveness due to the inability to train at the highest level possible.

Stress – Stress is the biggest factor that affects your metabolism. Stress can damage everything you have worked so hard to build up, from strong bones to muscle mass. Additionally stress also promotes many habits that are damaging to your metabolism, such as overeating.

Information provided on this website is for general purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of advice from your practitioner