
Preventing Acid Reflux Damage

There are many people today who suffer from the symptoms of acid reflux disease. This condition is usually described as gastric acids from the stomach which rise up into the esophagus. When these acids enter the esophagus, it causes a burning sensation in the chest which many people commonly refer to as heartburn.

If left untreated, acid reflux can cause damage to the esophagus that could eventually lead up to esophageal cancer. As the acid finds its way up into the esophagus, the burning sensation experienced is actually causing irritation to the lining of the esophagus. Those who suffer from chronic acid reflux always have this irritation because it never has time to heal. This continuous irritation can lead to permanent damage.

Everyone suffers from a case of heartburn from time to time, but this does not mean that they have acid reflux disease. A simple case of heartburn is usually easy to treat with an antacid such as Tums or Rolaids and may be associated with eating a large meal or a meal which is of a spicy nature. However, if the heartburn begins to occur on a more regular basis, such as two or more times a week, this is a warning sign that acid reflux may be developing.

Controlling Acid Reflux Symptoms

Anyone who is experiencing the symptoms of acid reflux should take notice and try to take precautionary action to alleviate them. For many people a small change in their daily routine will solve the problem. When we eat, our stomach produces acid that helps in the digestion of the food. Because of this, eating just before bedtime should be avoided. You should allow your body two to three hours to digest the food before lying down. The same goes for taking a daytime nap.

Try to avoid eating large meals. The more food that you eat, the more acid that needs to be produced to digest it. Eating smaller meals on a more frequent basis is best for acid reflux as well as an aid in weight control. Try not to eat foods that are high in fat. Limit caffeine intake including chocolate, coffee, and cola. Avoid eating spicy foods, such as tomatoes, and those foods that contain tomatoes. Citrus foods such as orange and lemon are already high in acid and will cause irritation to the esophagus if consumed on a regular basis.

Avoid products that contain alcohol and tobacco. Having an occasional drink will probably not do any harm, but drinking on a regular basis significantly increases your risk for acid reflux. If possible, raise the head of your bed. This raises your head above your stomach and makes it more difficult for the acid to enter the esophagus. When standing, always keep in mind that you need to practice good posture. This not only helps keep the symptoms of acid reflux at bay, but it also helps to prevent muscle pain. By following these precautionary steps, you will lower your risk level of becoming afflicted with acid reflux disease.

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The following products will help you prevent the pain and suffering of acid reflux disease:

Histamine 2 antagonists (H2 antagonists )

  • Axid (nizatidine)
  • Cimetidine (tagamet)
  • Famotidine (Pepcid, pepcid AC)

Proton Pump Inibitors (PPIs)

  • Pariet (Aciphex is manufactured and distributed in Canada under the name Pariet)
  • Protonix (pantoprazole)
  • Previcid (lansoprazole)
  • Nexium (esoprazole)

For more information on how you can order your Canadian drugs call 1-877-536-8162 or visit

About the Author: By Heath Sentares. Brought to you as a courtesy from Acid Reflux Symptoms Help Center, a member of the Acid Reflux Disease Information network.


Information provided on this website is for general purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of advice from your practitioner