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Music Has The Power To Move You… And A Lot More!

Music Has The Power To Move You… And A Lot More!

Most people enjoy listening to music. There are so many different types of music out there to choose from, such as rock music, metal, rap, R&B, pop…etc. And when people say that music has the power to move us they’re right.

Music actually affects us on a very deep level. Certain music can pump you up, which is especially useful right before that big game. Other types of music can calm you down and help you de-stress after a long day at work. Music truly is therapy for the soul and apparently treatment for a lot of other things.

Music is actually used as a treatment for seizures, to lower blood pressure, treat ADD in children, mental illness, depression, aid in healing, stress, and insomnia. Music has become much like a drug in medication because of the great impact it has on the human mind. Additionally, music has not only helped humans, but plants as well. A study was done where classical music was played around a plant and it actually helped the plant develop and grow significantly faster.

Music is an incredible tool and is a great outlet for built up emotions. Writing music can be a great stress reliever in itself. Writing lyrics or even guitar riffs may help you express some of that built up stored emotion in a positive way. Also, people will probably think that you’re pretty talented if you keep writing music, it’s not a very easily mastered skill.

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