
5 Tips To Help You Stay Healthy

The key to a long, happy and prosperous life is, of course, good health. While we may be pre-destined to certain conditions or diseases, there are definitely things we can do to ward off illness and stay healthy for as long as possible. Here are five simple tips that anyone can do to help you live a long life full of good health.

1. Don’t smoke, and if you do quit immediately

Smoking is perhaps the most preventable and avoidable cause of many debilitating and fatal diseases and conditions. Besides damaging the lungs, smoking also does considerable, irreversible damage to the heart as well as other organs of the body, including even the skin, not to mention the high risk of several types of cancer.

2. Drink in moderation

Studies have shown that drinking in moderation, meaning no more than one drink per day, can have a protective effect on the body depending on the type of alcohol consumed. Red wine, for instance, has been shown to have a positive effect on the heart while distilled spirits such as vodkas and bourbons may increase a person’s risk of developing certain cancers.

3. Eat healthy

An overwhelming percentage of the population is either overweight or obese. A simple, yet sensible eating plan coupled with regular exercise is the absolute best way to lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy for the rest of your life. There are no “quick fixes” when it comes to good health and diets that are high in fat and cholesterol are linked with diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

4. Exercise regularly

After consulting with your doctor the two of you can determine what level of exercise is the best for you. It’s important to remember that more is not necessarily better, particularly if you are just starting to exercise or have had an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. A gradual increase in your work-outs will also increase your level of endurance for the best long-term results.

Here are some simple exercises that are excellent for losing weight, getting in shape and maintaining good health while strengthening your heart at the same time.

– Walking: Almost anyone can do it and brisk walking can burn a few hundred calories per hour.

– Running: While not for beginners, running is an excellent form of cardio exercise as it increases lung capacity, strengthens the heart and burns many calories.

– Swimming: This full-body exercise is easy on the joints but still burns calories and strengthens the heart as well as the muscles.

– Bicycling: Either indoors or out, bicycling is a great exercise to help you stay healthy as it burns calories, increases endurance, builds leg strength, and strengthens the heart and lungs.

5. Make time to relax

Stress and tension can lead to serious health problems if they are not dealt with in a productive manner. Research has proved that those with a Type-A personality or those who are prone to stress or anger are far more likely to suffer from heart-related illnesses as well as a host of other detrimental conditions.

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About the Author: Adam Thompson. The author would like you to visit BCBSNC and Sitemap.

Information provided on this website is for general purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of advice from your practitioner