

The Dangers of High Blood Pressure, Explained

High blood pressure (hypertension) affects nearly half of all Americans, contributing to almost half a million deaths per year. Signs of hypertension can go undetected, which is why the condition is often called the silent killer. Understanding the dangers of high…


From Diagnosis to Pain Relief: 7 Things You Should Know About Arthritis

Are you one of the over 54 million Americans suffering from arthritis? This common condition is a nuisance for some and debilitating for others. Arthritis refers to joint inflammation and pain. There are over 100 different types as well as related conditions. Arthritis is…

The Causes of Frequent Heartburn and What You Can Do About It

The Causes of Frequent Heartburn and What You Can Do About It

After meals, do you frequently feel a burning pain in your chest, accompanied by belching and a sour taste in your mouth? Does this feeling intensify when you lie down and make it difficult for you to swallow? If so,…

Understanding the Dangers of Depression and Common Treatment Options

Understanding the Dangers of Depression and Common Treatment Options

We all struggle, to some degree, with depression throughout our lives. We may sometimes feel sad or discouraged about our circumstances. We have our good days and our bad, our ups and our downs. But what about when it’s more…

Understanding Stroke Risk Factors and Treatment Options

Understanding Stroke Risk Factors and Treatment Options

In the United States, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds. And every 4 minutes someone dies of a stroke, according to the Center for Disease Control. A stroke could happen to anyone, including you, your family, and your loved ones.…

Heart to Heart: What Is Heartburn?

Heart to Heart: What Is Heartburn?

Men with symptomatic acid reflux and Gastroenterologists / Concept with Healthcare And Medicine. Heartburn is experienced by 60 million Americans at least once a month and roughly 15 million people every day. Occasional heartburn is not generally a cause for concern, but if…

Death By Chair

Death By Chair

New studies and data reviews have now shown that sitting is hazardous to a person’s health. On average, people now sit over 9 hours a day at their jobs and at home. Studies and reviews have shown that, sitting for…

Children and Their iPads

Children and Their iPads

The correlation between video games and childhood obesity has been studied since the rise of video games in the early 80’s.  Since then, video games have become more enticing, more realistic, and more compelling than the video games of old. …

Five Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease

Five Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease

Every year, approximately two hundred and fifty thousand people die from a heart attack or heart disease, before they even reach the hospital. If any of your family or friends has ever had a heart attack, you’ve seen the drastic…

5 Ways to Help You and Your Family Stay Diabetes-Free

5 Ways to Help You and Your Family Stay Diabetes-Free

As rates of diabetes continue to rise, increasingly in both adults and children, it’s becoming more and more obvious that we need to make important lifestyle changes in order to prevent diabetes from affecting ourselves, as well as the ones we love.…